Elizabeth's Learning

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Endangered Gray Wolves?


There has been a Grey wolf debate. The debate has been about wolves, or whether or not wolves should still be considered endangered. I personally think they still should be considered endangered, but we are not here for my opinion. So I will tell you two reasons they should still be considered endangered and why they should not still be endangered. So first reason they should not still be considered endangered is they are hunting down livestock and cattle! If people cannot hunt them, then they will kill their animals. Reason number two is that there are simply enough grey wolves now. Reason number one for why they should still be apart of the endangered species act is that they are still threatened and are at risk of being extinct. Reason number two is, wolves help the ecosystem so much! They help vegetation and with that comes helping a variety of species! So there are two reasons for both sides of the story!

Picture from here. More about wolves being endangered here.


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Picture from here     https://en.wikipedia.org

Pollution is a horrible thing! There are pollutants causing the damage, pollutants are a form of pollution. There are different types of pollutants, such as acid rain, fertilizer, and road salt. Those are the ones I will be focusing on in this blog. You may be thinking how does fertilizer pollute this world, well I shall tell you how! Farmers might use to much fertilizer causing the plant to over populate and also blocking water streams. Some fertilizer may fall in the water causing the algae to over populate and to take oxygen that we need to survive and for other animals and plants need. Now acid rain sounds horrible but it’s not like burning holes through stuff as it may sound but it still is horrible! Acid rain hurts plants roots and leaves. They need their roots because it helps them grow and it stores the water in it, the leaves collect sun for them to grow! Acid rain is maid by air pollutants such as gases then when it rains the rain absorbs the gases and becomes acid rain. Road salt may help us not get hurt but it’s horrible for plants and the world! Road salt damages the leaves and injures the vegetation! My class is designing a experiment where we grow rye grass and then put pollutants on them and see what pollutant does the most damage! My prediction is that the acid rain will do the most damage because it injures the roots of a plant! A way we can stop pollution in our own ecosystems is to stop smoking and start to walk more because both of those things are types of air pollutants.

More about pollution here —>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollution

My First EVER Blog!!!!!!


Hi, i’m Elizabeth!! I’m in fifth grade, and I like to play video games!! Something awesome i’m learning right now in fifth grade is how to round decimals, and soon I will be learning how to add and subtract decimals!!! I think being able to blog is interesting and fun! I’m looking forward to blogging! I’m wondering why we’re even doing blogs, but it’s fun so far!!!

from here https://www.flickr.com/

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