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Endangered Gray Wolves?


There has been a Grey wolf debate. The debate has been about wolves, or whether or not wolves should still be considered endangered. I personally think they still should be considered endangered, but we are not here for my opinion. So I will tell you two reasons they should still be considered endangered and why they should not still be endangered. So first reason they should not still be considered endangered is they are hunting down livestock and cattle! If people cannot hunt them, then they will kill their animals. Reason number two is that there are simply enough grey wolves now. Reason number one for why they should still be apart of the endangered species act is that they are still threatened and are at risk of being extinct. Reason number two is, wolves help the ecosystem so much! They help vegetation and with that comes helping a variety of species! So there are two reasons for both sides of the story!

Picture from here. More about wolves being endangered here.


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